Friday, November 04, 2005

High School student diagnosed with TB!

Tonight's TV News has it that Beaverton High School reports a student having been diagnosed with TB!

However, they have not released the students name or given any further details and this has many students and parents upset.

They are asking what I would ask, what is to be gained and who is to be benefited by keeping the student's name a secret as it will eventually get out and those who may have been exposed to the disease should be warned and given every opportunity to take appropriate precautionary actions.

Let me guess as to the reason why. It is the because the student is an Illegal Alien and the school sees their need for secrecy supersedes anything non-Illegal Aliens (citizens and legal immigrants) could ever claim.

Oh yes, today when entering almost any medical facility in Oregon you will find the signs saying "Cover Your Cough" with pictures showing how that is best done. Yes, they are usually written in English and Spanish, however the pictorial message doesn't need written explanation.


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