Sunday, May 04, 2008

Brain Dead Reporting!

Statesman/Journal reporter Dennis Thompson Jr. today explains that Car Theft in Salem is on the rise and tells us that Salem Police are proud to claim they are responsible for the increase.
The headline tells: Salem Police use of bait cars accounts for more than half of the rise in 2007
Great job SPD!!

I think what Denny was expected to report is that Salem Police are proud of the many car thieves they apprehend with using bait cars and perhaps that Car Theft would be an even greater problem (issue to some) if it not for their efforts.

My guess is that as a result of staff cutbacks (due to ad income reductions) the S/J editors were not able to help Denny Spin the story in any specific direction and thus we see a bunch of nonsense in the publication.

To think Denny could have told how being arrested for Car Theft in Salem can cause the accused to be late for an appointment or even worse miss their flight to Salt Lake.

Now, if we just paid Mexico to incarcerate their Citizens we arrest for crimes here in the US we might have jail space for Car Thieves and less Meth available available for the Car Thieves to desire and steal cars to finance the purchase thereof.


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