Sunday, April 27, 2008

Who was that Stealthy Tire Slasher?

The story running through the neighborhood has it, the Tire Slashings were quite extensive and quite expensive with some folks suffering more loss than others.
It seems it all stems from a neighbor confronting another neighbor about physical abuse being inflicted on a young dog (Pitt Bull) and that resulting in County Animal Control seizing the pup the next day and citing the owner for their actions.
So just as any red blooded, young American would do, the Dog Owner sets out to make things right by stabbing a whole bunch of tires in the neighborhood and that including the neighbor who fingered them on the Animal Abuse. They got hit extra hard.
There we have it, many people suffered a financial loss and most of them were totally uninvolved and unaware of the motive.
Best I can determine at this time there have been No Reports made to Police by those suffering Tire Slashings. (So much for crime statistics.)
I suspect for most the loss is less than their insurance deductible (assuming they have vandalism coverage), reporting the loss would likely result in an insurance premium increase, any Police investigation may give the Slasher reason to exact even more revenge and taking time to talk with Law Enforcement only compounds the losers losses.
Remember, in Marion County Car Thieves are given tickets and then sent on their way.
What the hey, if we allow foreigners to invade our land to pillage, rape and destroy their way across the country, they why worry about a neighborhood tire slasher?


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