Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Global warming perhaps?

I may be wrong but I suspect the Invisible Shield that for many years has protected Oregon's DHS is melting away and at what seems a surprisingly fast rate.
Thanks Gabriel Allred, we your fellow US Citizens needed that.
Can't say its related, however there has also been a DHS change in my neighborhood.
That has to do with the DHS staffing of those who have been delivering the StatesmanJournal's Wednesday Shopper News and their using a MR/DD (ward of the State?) in a Job Training Ruse for well over a year.
Note: This all began soon after the price of gas drove the private delivery contractors out of business.
Yes, its been 14 months of Job training with the same student in how to window toss a news paper on an auto route. I know there is a learned skill value here but I just can't find it. It must be my fault. Perhaps I need to attend a DHS workshop or two.
The change I saw today was with the delivery of the SJ's publication as it was a Solo effort by a lonely DHS employee. No MR/DD student along today to practice their tossing a news paper out a car window. And, the MR/DD's handler was also absent.

Who knows, with gas now over $3.20 a gallon perhaps DHS is going to give up the job opportunity as did the private contractors.


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