Tuesday, April 03, 2007

When is 11% equal to 70%?

Today the Oregon State Department of Education released the latest school dropout figures.

It shows how Dropout rates in Oregon School Districts are down from last year overall. However, it seems they went Up in the Salem-Keizer Schools.

Go figure! (Vaya la figura!)

However, S/K is not the leader in the valley as Gervais and Mt. Angel schools, which are heavily impacted by Hispanic students (many of whom are Illegal Aliens) has skyrocketed in Grande Cinco de Mayo fashion.

In one year Gervais's dropout rate jumped from 3.8% to 8.4% and Mount Angel beat them out with a boost from 6.8% to 11.3%, whereas Woodburn held their ground at 9.+%.

What I found curious was the data associated with the news piece is published under one of the Three different Headlines in the StatesmanJournal. Why is that I wonder? Perhaps, one of the less positive stories might fall off the composing table before the next printing.

But then, other data missing from the three Headlined stories is the numbers having to do with school population. Perhaps if the student numbers were down in those schools with improving scores it could be said those students who would have dropped out, never registered for school.

Another point not explained was in what grades were the changes seen. After all, 11.3% of the total School District student population could translate to 50% or even 70% of the Senior Class.

Or were second graders the problem group?

What will you bet that after all the money we Taxpayers have spent on Head Start and other Outreach efforts to the Immigrant population, that most of the students that Dropped Out were in the last two years of high school and . . . almost all were Hispanic?

What's that story about leading a horse to water?


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