Sunday, July 02, 2006

Keyboard failures?

The basic rule in reporting the news has always been to learn and report as to Who, What, Why, Where and When.

However, this basic rule seems to be failing our local print and TV news folks.

Example: The 5 man, 9 hour Gang Rape of a woman in Canby the news folks were almost all able to tell us such detail as, the bad guys are likely associated with local gangs (the relevance of which baffles me) but fail to explain they were all . . . Hispanic.

Perhaps their keyboards have all gone bad all at once and all their "H" keys . . . have Issues (problems)!

But then, the Gang members might be wearing uniforms that are more common to the group (then being Hispanic) and taxpayers are better served keeping an eye out for them.

Well maybe not all taxpayers. Just the women who are alone, or just blond and/or might have a long haired golden retriever.


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