Thursday, March 02, 2006

My question today: Are we being dumped on?

During a business tour of what I call “The Real Mexico” (a non-tourist city) back in the 80’s, I was surprised to learn of the deep running racial conflicts and differences between the Indigenous people (who are called Indians) in Mexico and the Spaniards (descendants of Spain) and how that was a much greater divide than anything I had ever seen in the United States.

I first learned of this during a coaching session in how to negotiate the lowest purchase price when dealing with the Indigenous people and how to play on their superstitions and beliefs. This coaching also included how to identify the different racial groups and how the superstition ploys didn't work when dealing with a Spaniard. It was also explained how the Indigenous people of Mexico (Indians) had "major social and behavioral problems" and much like our Native Americans they suffered from the effects of genetically associated "addictions to narcotics and alcohol."

Once I became aware of the separation I was amazed to see how there were two different cultural dimensions occupying the same space and sharing the same language, yet outside of commercial contact there was little or no crossover between the two cultures. The Spaniards were the first and only to point out that circumstance.

If you would like to see evidence of this difference for yourself, simply tune your TV to a Spanish language channel and compare those people who you see on the screen to those people (Illegal Aliens) you see hanging out near a local mini-market or taco truck. Now tell me, does Vicente Fox, his associates and the news anchors look anything like the Illegal Aliens you see working in the US?

Knowing of this long standing division also helps me understand why it is the Illegal Aliens who are in the US make little or no attempt to assimilate with the US culture and learn our language, as they are culturally adapted to living separately and find such racial and cultural divisions as quite normal, if not desirable.

My question today: Is the driving force behind the Illegal Alien Invasion of the United States resulting from the Spaniards of Mexico purging or an ethnic cleansing their country of the Indigenous Mexicans?

This being accomplished by helping their Indigenous people Illegally relocate to the United States and that because of them being seen as a major reason why Mexico has never risen above the ranks of a Third World Country? Simply said, does Mexico have an over supply of poor people and are they doing something to correct the problem?

This works out to be a win-win for Mexico. They benefit from greatly reducing their population of uneducated poor and convert what had been a problem to a group of foreign agents who send a good portion of their ill-gotten gains back to Mexico and in time may retake an area of the US that many in Mexico feel rightfully belongs to them.

Not a bad trick if successful and it looks from all the crime and violence committed by the Illegal Aliens we see in the US today, as they have done amazingly well.


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