Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Will wonders ever cease?

Did you see this headline in today's Oregonian?

"Latino enrollment surges"

The story goes on to explain that Oregon now supports over 84,000 Latino students in Public Schools with 7,500 more this year alone and most of them are receiving "Special Education" services.

We all know what that costs taxpayers considering the Illegal Aliens pay little or noting in taxes (claiming high dependents) and taking much more in social services than ever possibly contributed!

I especially enjoyed this paragraph telling of how, The Latino birth rate has been increasing 5 percent to 7 percent annually and now comprise near 20% of all births in Oregon. They didn't go on to explain how the Oregon Health Plan (taxpayers) paid for most if not all of those births.

What I find amazing is that we are now hearing and reading about the hard numbers that we have been denied in the past and how these revelations are certainly going to help bring a change in our Immigration policies.

I'll bet the Oregonian would not have printed this story a year ago, even if it was a paid insert.

Will wonders ever cease?



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