Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Absolutely amazing!!

The Mexican Carousel has stopped going round and round.

Has anybody considered how that loss of income to State employees will impact the economy?

Not only will they lose the comp and vacation time earnings they lose the mileage paid to them for using their personal cars for going to and from the events where they Embraced Criminal Aliens. There goes the motor home and beach house!!

Ya sure, not a big deal you say, but think of the tabs we picked up when the Carousels came off in Klamath Falls, Medford and other far flung parts of Oregon. It won't balance DHS's budget shortfall but it all helps. Especially if now they fail to meet the membership goals for the Oregon Health Plan.

So we un-employ as few medical translators. Tisk, tisk!

But as the Mexican Counsel told the Sheriff of Umatilla County, we must consider the contributions the Mexicans make to our communities.

What the hell!! I did as he suggests and its the Mexicans contribution to my community that drives me to demand we deport the Criminals before they completely destroy the US.


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