Thursday, March 09, 2006

Just another Happy Day in Mexalem!

This mornings newspaper tells of a person who is likely an Illegal Alien who had been kidnapped and robbed the evening before by two others who are also likely Illegal Aliens, had is pickup stolen by those likely Illegal Aliens who had kidnapped him earlier in the week. A Double Whammy or "un Palo Doble" in Spanish.

(Oh yes, I recall during the earlier incident his vehicle received some bullet holes)

And, a little further in this AM's paper we find where 15 more people who I suspect are also Illegal Aliens have been arrested on charges of theft, drug sales, having stolen ID, having guns and it tells of Farias-Villalobos who was also taken into custody on drug charges after Police stopped him as he was driving with his four children and found a handgun and a large amount of methamphetamine.

If you want more details try these links and read it for yourself.

Just another Happy Day in Mexalem!


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