Sunday, February 05, 2006

What we are Not Hearing!

Today, most newspapers have stories about how Oregon's GOP gubernatorial contenders are now pandering to the Anti-Illegal Alien crowd and go on to mention the hot points being US Citizens loss of employment opportunity and added cost to governments with providing the many tax funded social services.

This is all swell and good, but what the contenders and the press are working to ignore is what the Tax Payers are really upset about. That is the damage being done to our society in the way of Crime and Violence the Illegal Aliens bring with them as a part of their Third World Culture.

One only needs to watch the TV News headlines to recognize the huge increase in crime and violence that has invaded our state and who are those persons are most usually involved. To ignore the obvious is a foolish error as today Soccer Mom's don't allow their children to walk from school or even play in the front yard and that for fear of being kidnapped by Hispanic men driving dark colored vans.

What I see we are asking for and not hearing is a three-step correction process: #1 Is to close the border so once we starts removing the Criminal Illegal Aliens they don't just walk back across. #2 Once the border is secure we start weeding through the remaining Illegal Aliens and provide them opportunities to leave the country in an orderly fashion and take with them their legally gained possessions. #3 Then allow them to apply for Alien Worker Permits allowing them to re-enter if an employment need has been confirmed and that conforms to all of our laws and that includes everything from anti-slavery to taxation.

Sorry, just as in many other countries the Guest Workers families remain in their homelands.

When we hear discussion of those facts and possible like solutions we will know our efforts will have been successful.


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