Monday, January 02, 2006

Now, where is that recipe for Frog Soup?

The US being flooded with Cheap, Illegal Alien employees has not only cost our youth an opportunity to gain employment, it's now hurting our Adults as their incomes are dropping, notably!

Want an example?

News has it that folks of 50 years and above can now expect Senior Discounts that previously were extended to only those of 55+, that previously were extended to only those of 60+, that previously were extended to only those of 65+.

Originally the Seniors Discount was based on restaurants finding folks of 65 and above were small eaters and thus were cheaper to feed. That made good sense.

However, today it seems the break-point is based on an ability to pay as more of those above 50 are finding their income earning power has waned and thus enjoy . . . less spendable income.

Now, where is that recipe for Frog Soup?


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