Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Does anybody join me in wondering . . .

Does anybody join me in wondering why it is that practically every Governmental body they know of (City, County, State) is 100% Supportive of allowing 'Illegal Aliens' to continue entering the US and for we taxpayers to continue blindly picking the tab?

Perhaps they all share a common knowledge and know of a Bitter Truth, that we lowly taxpayers . . . don't.

Is that Bitter Truth the fact our US economy is only flourishing as a result of the Huge Mexican Illegal Migration as that is driving the explosive demand in housing (filling low end housing and skyrocketing home values up, thus enabling US citizens to enjoy even better housing), services of all kinds including government, schools, food products, jails, police and emergency services and last but and no way least, medical care and that includes the many new birthing centers?

I believe this problem is especially true in Oregon where manufacturing, timber products, mineral harvesting, fishing and food crop agriculture are almost a distant memory and the reason why all Government bodies in Oregon that I am aware of, are so resistant to stopping the flow of Illegal Aliens and refuse to help in their expulsion.

The Bitter Pill part is, all of this massive cost is being piled on to our National debt and that will eventually bring us to bankruptcy.

Have they sold our tomorrow's Seed Corn to cover their past failures and are they now afraid to tell us the Bitter truth?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the government is trying to bankrupt our whole system. Our medical system is going bankrupt. I know of doctors who no longer deliver babies because they can no longer work without getting paid and these illegals do not have the money to use for birth care or delivery. However, they can push out those anchor babies with no problem, other than using our tax money. All the problems brought on are a big part caused by the illegals. We educate their children at the expense of our taxes. This English as a second language is total stupidity. If they are unable to learn in the language of the nation, then that is their problem. Here in Salem I see so many who are still speaking Spanish and not even trying to learn our language. I went into a fast food place recently and they had a new item. I wanted to know just what was in the food, etc. The person behind the counter did not know a single word of what I was saying, so needlesstosay, I did not buy the new item. The gentleman behind me asked a similar question and also could not get an answer as the person just did not know English enough to even be working there. Is this what our country is coming to?

11:42 AM  

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