Sunday, November 13, 2005

So there we have our future

One glaring message coming through the many stories recently written by GABRIELA RICO (of the StatesmanJournal Adpaper), is how Mexico is divided into many different social, economic and geographic segments and those differences are magnified by their peoples many different languages, dialects, tribal customs and physical characteristics.

These people have for hundreds if not thousands of years willingly separated themselves from others in their own country (Mexico) and worked to maintain separate and unique tribal communities and I can only assume they went about this with believing their ways and culture were and are superior to what others might practice. Self imposed segregation with rejection of others diversity, and they see that as working to their benefit! Curious?

Little wonder why Mexico has remained a quagmire of conflict and violence and remains a third world nation, and all the while adjoining the USA, the most advanced culture the world has ever known.

So there we have our future. We are doomed if we continue to welcome these Segregationists into our land, allowing them to begin their migration with violating our laws and helping them sustain their culture and language, as they will continue their separate ways and we will soon find ourselves a quagmire of violence and conflict much as Mexico is today.

E pluribus unum, the National Motto of the United States of America.

Translated from Latin, "From many, one" or "Out of many, one."


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