Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The land of Liberalism, Perversion and Disgustingism is ablaze!

The headline reads: France Declares State of Emergency and it carries a tag of 3 hours ago. Isn't that yesterday's news?

My question is, what happened three hours ago and/or in the 21 hours since France Declared their State of Emergency?

Why is it when news happens that might shed bad light on activities involving President Bush or others of conservative ideology, the news people are reporting live from the scene yet when the mother load of Liberalism, Perversion and Disgustingism is being burned at the stake "live" the news goes into a 24 delay?

With thousands of car fires every night along with school fires, store fires, Police Station fires and the like, there has to be some fabulous video tape footage going down someone's drain somewhere.

Hey, on the positive side all that heat from the fires might sanitize the streets and sidewalks laden with many years worth of . . . poodle poop.


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