Thursday, November 06, 2008

Stop right there!

Congress is talking with the Detroit Automakers about another unsecured loan of $30 to $50 Billion to help them remain in business for the next year, or so, maybe.
The money is needed to support retired UAW (United Auto Workers Union) members whose financial burden has become more than the industry can handle.
Well don't look at me for support of the UAW as it their intentional reduction of productivity and product quality that gave me reason to end a twenty plus year career in the new auto business. Out of self respect I could no longer bring myself to represent an ever declining product quality as a good investment.
I remember the days when the UAW first began to test their new-found strength by making absurd demands for workplace concessions. The bad part was the slow-down campaigns never ended and the hostility between management and labor went to a high-boil and never cooled down.
Much to the surprise of the UAW the Big 3 gave in to their demands without a whimper and chose to reduce quality control standards as a way to shave costs. It worked but the new cars turned to garbage as compared to what they had been only months before.
Note: It should be mentioned that even in the 70s the News Media always played the UAW as the poor little guys battling Big Business and never told of the absurd wage increases and benefits they had won.
That began the downward spiral of the Big 3 that opened the door for Japanese auto makers (non-Union) to take a large part of the market and brings us to where we are today.
So maybe its time for retired UAW people to try a new career as Social Security and Medicare Recipients?


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