Monday, March 10, 2008

You want to learn about Fear?

Just ask any child between 2 and 12 years of age and living in the United States, as they are experts.
Today our young children are surrounded by personal protection devices and efforts that have given them reason to believe that severe injury and death is around every corner. My goodness, think of all the dangerous toys, cribs, cans of soup, bad hamburger, dirty salad, poisonous paint, contaminated air and food that Nervous Nurse Nancy has convinced them can kill everybody instantly, let alone the threat of being kidnapped from their front yards or being crushed in a car accident because of a defective air-bag that was missed in a recall.
Consider how today as a child you would feel if Dad asked you to join him in a trip to the store . . . in his car. This after frequently hearing your Mom talking with Dad and her friends about the all special safety afforded her and you children when riding in her Super Safe SUV. That including your being safely tucked and buckled in your late-model, custom fitted, government approved, Child Safety Seat?
So what's with Dad, is he trying to kill you by offering you a ride . . . in his car?
What's really bothersome is watching Grandpa work to install your custom fitted, government approved, Safety Seat in his car (itself of questionable safety) and that without any Official Fireperson present to oversee the operation. Better call 911, we have Issues!!
If you were them wouldn't you be wondering what you had done so terrible as to deserve being sent to your early death in Grandpa's car?
But then, as I recall that my greatest childhood fear was Dad not letting me help steer the car while on our way to the grocery store. It was either that or fearing the Russians were about to bomb us out of existence, but that wasn't dumped on me until I was fifteen years old.
So lets strap on a helmet when we wear our Heeleys and test the air quality before we step out the door.
Just wait till all the Car Seat Kids become voters and that after twelve + plus years of our schools teaching them that all good things including their protection . . . come from government.
P.S. We just might have some time to consider that as we wait in a traffic jam for five hours as Police Investigators work to determine if those involved in a car accident had been wearing their seat-belts. Who knows, we might need more guidelines (regulations)?


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