Wednesday, March 05, 2008

We didn't learn in 2000!

The economic BOOM of the last few years has been fueled by 20 Million Illegal Aliens who have flooded into the US and created another False Economy quite similar to the .com False Economy fiasco we suffered in 2000.
The .com experience was the world's greatest Ponzi Scheme. The second has been a Mortgage Scam where undeserving people were given the opportunity to buy new or larger homes than they couldn't afford and thus allowing Illegal Aliens to occupy the affordable residences they left behind. A house of cards with no foundation.
The greater tragedy is how this second wave of pseudo prosperity has drawn our Nations attention away from the bitter reality that our natural resource harvesting and manufacturing industries were rapidly dieing and our economic standing in the world was eroding at an ever accelerating rate. Sad as it is to say, today we have become a Nation of bean counting consumers . . . living on credit.
And all the while our elected leaders and government bureaucrats have been milking the Illegal Alien Invasion to their advantage and have left we US Taxpaying Citizens standing at the slaughter house gate.
With friends as our own Whacko Environmentalists, Unreasonable Unions and Far Left Liberals, who needs Al Qaeda


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