Saturday, November 11, 2006

Caught in the act!!

Public Access TV pays off again.

I was watching last weeks meeting of the County Commissioners this AM and picked-up just at the moment when the Commissioners were being asked to approve some documents, when one of them asked why if they were to sign this Policy and Procedure regulation, why the Procedures portion was not included with the package as presented.

The staffer who was presenting the package then said she had been told to separate and exclude the Procedures from the presentation and the person who could bring them was not available today. Curious as to how she knew of the other persons availability without any hesitation for forethought.

That was when County Council jumped in and with floundering for her words explained how the Commissioners had previously asked that Policy's and Procedures be separated, so in the future Policy's and Procedures could be changed separately, without major document modifications.

In response to that two Commissioners explained how they did agree with her understanding, however their desire for separation was not to such degree they couldn't learn what they were signing without having ability to know all what that included.

I am a supporter for Term Limits, however this situation highlights how staff with a Government Agency can hood-wink elected officials who are without experience and how we the public are well served by those who are.

Lucky for Marion County Taxpayers our Commissioners are on top of their game . . . and wise to others.


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