Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hold up Teddy!

First thing out of the chute Teddy decides to flex his own muscles (and not those he borrowed from Naughty Neil) and went off without an approved script (guideline violation) blasting the TV News folks for over-hyping the weekend storm and now because of that irresponsible action the whole Nation thinks it always rains in Oregon.

Well now, it seems some TV News folks are a bit off-ended and explained how the Surprise storm was the Biggest Rain producer in history and caught all the Emergency Service people flat footed. They went on to explain they didn't cry wolf and simply informed the public of the danger, as is their duty.

Hey Ted, the Nation thinks we are a haven for Illegal Aliens and home to some of the poorest educated school children in the Nation. Isn't that a greater concern than people thinking it rains in Oregon?

My bet is Teddy's handlers (Ron Wyden's team members) now have Teddy refitted with a new shock collar and that with a 4 year battery.


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