Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Who's the Fool?

Headline: Portland airport's de-icing system harms fish



At the same time our Emergency Service Environmental Clean-up people are recovering spills (mostly coolant) from Motor Vehicle Accidents (much of which is now bio-degradable) at a cost in excess of $5,000 a gallon of fluid recovered, our Airports are dumping Good Old Fashioned Glycol Antifreeze on the planes and resulting runways by the thousands of tons and have been for many, many years.

This makes as much sense as shipping our hazardous chemical waste and old plastic to China for dumping and burning in open pits (providing it wasn't dumped in the ocean first) and then importing logs from where the forests are being stripped of vegetation so as to make a fast buck today.

Ocean Dead Zone anybody??

So where you boys headed with that tank-truck filled with hazardous waste?

Perhaps we can off-set that harm by paying 20% more for Wind generated electricity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, what the hell's up with that? Pay a hefty surcharge for buying so-called "green energy"?

If they really want us to buy it, they'd level the paying field.

1:07 PM  

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