Sunday, September 24, 2006

So there, it ain't just me!!!!

At a family picnic today my wife ask if I would give her a shoulder rub. When I attempted to fulfill her request I was driven away by the top she was wearing that was made from those Micro Fiber materials that stick to my fingers like Velcro to Velcro.

Yikes, I can't handle that stuff. I can and have confronted some pretty gory situations and am not fussy about many things, but that stuff exceeds my limit.

That was when I learned from two other able bodied males (not wimps) that shared the picnic table with us of their having the same problem (not an issue) with Micro Fiber and they found it just as nasty as I. Get that stuff away from us!

What was worse was learning of one having purchased some pants recently and finding the pockets were made with Micro Fiber. Double yikes and pass on the pockets!!

Dang it, can't some folks just leave some things well enough alone?


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