Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sleep well tonight!

Golly sakes, what is happening?

Today was another Happy Day (the second in a row) and this a result of watching Oregon State Rep. Dennis Richardson as he chaired the Legislative Committee that is reviewing the Department of Human Services. Yes, those folks that some claim think themselves above the law.

Don't expect this Committee to result in another Information Black Hole as is often the case with these events. In fact I will bet my buttons Rep. Richardson will see this to the end and we the taxpayers will finally learn the What and Wherefore of this traditional money pit called DHS.

And, I will bet it won't just result in another Department Name Change that would allow the skullduggery to continue.

Sleep well tonight knowing that we have the National Guard and Rep. Richardson looking out for our best interests.


Blogger Daniel said...

I hear nothing but good things about this situation. Among them is Teddy K saying that we can deal with the $172 million shortfall "administratively" rather than cutting services to the poor. Really? Glad to hear it!

6:58 AM  

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