Monday, September 14, 2009

Don't ya love it!!

Images, images, that's what its all about.

Wasn't all that long ago our local public transit system the Cherriots was enjoying the good life with money to burn but then they lost two ballot measures for Huge increases, one after the other.

They were thinking Salem was near enough to Portland to score some Big Transit Bucks and hopefully near equal what the Salem Fire Department had then recently landed.

The end result of that was service cut-back after service cut-back and I might guess the last round was intended to inflict some pain on the taxpayer dog that bit them as many routes were completely eliminated rather than reduced to a split shift.

So now its time to look poor and here we have them using Duct Tape to re-mount a dirty old poster on an abandoned bus shelter.

What ya bet they made a special trip to Home Depot just for one roll.


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