Saturday, May 30, 2009

I understand!

A young Kool Aid drinking woman explained it on Cable today.

Here is a summary: She and other Obamaites have covered the Huge Economic Hole caused by the .com and Sub-Prime fiascos with a Humongous National Debt which is to be whisked away in a few short years with results coming from The Green Agenda.

Now, if the plan fails and the US economy collapses it will be because . . . the Conservatives failed to Embrace The Green Agenda.

Its all up to us in how well we accept such new age ideas as home insulation made from grape vines, little electric cars with GPS tracking and use meters, having a citizen review board approve our pay-checks and watching government certified TV only when the wind blows on sunny days.

That shouldn't be all that hard to support knowing what our options would be after giving up our guns.


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