Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gee whiz Mom, is this Green?

What do all the "Stop Global Warming" school kids (who are riding in Mom's Super Size SUV) think as they wait ten minutes (or more) in line at McDonald's Drive-up window . . . with the SUV's engines idling.
I slipped into a Mac D store today (which happened to be the first day school vacation) for my weekly Sausage Biscuit (with a Senior Coffee) and noticed all the SUVs in line (out numbering the walk-in customers vehicles 2 to 1) and I didn't see a one that turned off their engines while waiting.
Note: With schools providing breakfast nowadays I suppose Mom has forgotten all what that involves.
How would Mom keep the filtered air support system working without the engine running? What, she might roll down the windows and allow an allergen to enter the passenger area. Not a chance as Nervous Nurse Nancy has told us that isn't safe.
It was late AM so I assume those large bags being handed out the drive-up window were those horrendous pancake breakfasts. Golly, there isn't enough synthetic maple syrup in the world to kill the taste of those disgusting death discs. Gag!
So why don't a few Illegal Aliens hang around the Fast Food outlets and for a few bucks manually push SUVs and their owners through the line drive-up wait line.
Hey, they might even push some for free if they were given a chance to ogle a few middle school girls.


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