Sunday, January 06, 2008

Dam Choosy I guess!

Because most in the Spanish Speaking Hispanic community (of the Willamette Valley) prefer interacting with other Spanish Speaking Hispanic people, most of the new hire or replacement employment opportunities in everything from Public Employment to Department Store Clerks is now going those who enjoy speaking Spanish in a Native tongue.
It isn't just McDonald's, Burger King or KFC anymore as they are turning up in everything from medical clinics, cell phone retailers and now my local garbage service enjoys a customer service person who No Comprende Ingish so good.
Yea right, like the Illegal Aliens can't wait to pay for garbage service. That's part of the problem so I guess managements thought is Hispanics will feel "more comfortable" arranging for garbage service when they can deal with a fellow Hispanic. What government agency planted that idea?
Speaking Spanish isn't enough to gain their trust as brown skin is equally important. Otherwise they may think we will snitch them to ICE.
Its getting to the point where US Citizens need an interpreter to go about our daily lives.


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