Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Once upon a time!

As the story goes: The person who spent two days loosening
the latch on the mini-mart's fire exit and entered the store after closing hours, then waited for the manager to open the next morning and was subsequently hired as a stock clerk, going on
to be the next Employee of the Month.

Would you expect anything less from such a proven hard worker?

Of course the story is ridiculous and unbelievable as we all know that anybody who would spend two days breaking into a store wouldn't pass up the opportunity to steal all what they wanted.

Criminals do what criminals do, right?

So why then should we expect Illegal Aliens who have committed criminal acts by breaking into our country, would then decide to obey all of our laws and regulations once they were inside and then become good citizens, contributing to betterment of the USA?

The fact is they don't and we shouldn't expect they will. That is unless you are a fool or a socialist out to destroy the United States!


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